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My name Charlotte Thrussell, I live in Hertford, Hertfordshire. After school I did a course in college, BTEC Fashion and Clothing. It was through this course where I gained my sewing and pattern cutting skills. Through my course in college I had the opitunity to undertake some work experience. For this I got in contact with my local theatre and got involved in the costume department for the yearly pantomime, Aladdin. For this production I got to work with a professional costume and set designer. It was because of this work experience that I found a love for costume. It also gave me a chance to experience what it would be like to do more than just costume. It was this that made me choose my degree, BA (Hons) Creative Arts for Theatre and Film. This course gave me a knowledge of not just costume construction and orgranisation but also in set design, consturction and Prop construction. For the past three years I have been able to learn and refine the skills I would need to work either within a theatre or on film. In my third year I specialised in costume and consentrated on learning the skills needed to make specifically made costumes.


Through my time on my course I was able to undertake more work experience. It was through this work experience that I first started to make my contacts for when I finish University. This for my was the most valuable part of my course. It allowed me to gain even more experience and gain the knowledge to gain the work and jobs once I finish university. For information on my work experience visit my page on it.   

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